Thursday, December 16, 2010

Plan ahead

So here's the plan.

Now that I know I'm going to be writing something long-ish, I am going to have a hard time not writing it.  I've been sort of noodling a certain story for a couple of years.  My sister has been wanting me to actually write it for ages.  I'm thinking that for now, what I'll do is set up the world a bit through some short anecdotes.  With some luck, I'll also digitize a map I previously drew of the world and add some to it (wouldn't a topographical map be cool?)
I recently started reading Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.  Tolkien does an excellent job of building up his world - sometimes too well.  I've heard multiple people describe his books, especially The Two Towers, as slow-moving and excruciatingly dull.  However, his writing, particularly the incredible continuity and attention to detail, have earned him a place in the hall of the immortal fantasy writers - his creation a fantastic economic success that authors and publishers have been trying to reproduce for the remainder of the genre's history.
I can see that it would seem slow at first.  My biggest problem is that I want to be able to imagine all the history Tolkien is talking about.  So when he says that some hobbits migrated over the Misty Mountains north of Rivendell, I have to go to the map at the front of the book and find all those places.  As a result, I have a better understanding of the history, but reading is slow going.  I spent a full 20 minutes on just two pages in the prologue!
In all honesty, I don't think I want to be that detailed in my worldbuilding.  After all, I'm not really interested in creating my own language, or mapping out the times so that I know exactly when the moons are full and can set events accordingly.
I guess I've rambled enough for today.  I'll consider starting the story's setup tomorrow.
Good night!

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