Wednesday, December 22, 2010


There are some people who, no matter what life throws at them, remain optimistic and hopeful for the future.  Their perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges always serve as an inspiration for me. 
One person I know - or rather know of - was recently diagnosed with a fatal disease, about which little is known.  He has maintained his life as it was before, despite the growing symptoms which make commonplace actions and tasks difficult.  He recently gave an incredibly inspirational speech about his attitude.  He said that one morning, despite the fact that he was struggling to maintain a normal lifestyle and had difficulty with even the smallest of everyday tasks, he persisted in his decision that 'today was going to be a good day.  Perhaps even a great day.'  Unlike many terminally ill patients, he has kept his job, and intends to perform his duties until he is no longer able.  His courage and tenacity are astonishing.
As I mentioned, little is known about his disease, and there is no known prevention, treatment, or cure.  He decided soon after his diagnosis that he would participate in a scientific study, in the hopes that he would be able to help other patients in his situation get better treatment and better care. 
He even acknowledged that he might well end up in the study's control group.  He acknowledged that that would stink for him.  And yet he still chose to participate in the study, knowing that in all likelihood, he will never know whether he actually got the treatment or the placebo.  That, right there, is courage.  And optimism.  And above all, hope.
In one episode of Dr. Who, the Doctor says, "One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel." This is one of the angels who make this world worth living in.
Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry for the previous, deleted post, thought of something better to say:

    First, your friend is very brave, and I wish him the absolute best. It's inspiring to see people as hopeful as him in the face of something so overwhelming.

    Second, I love the quote :P Nicely chosen.
