Thursday, December 9, 2010


She was falling.  She had always fallen.  She knew nothing else.  Only the blissful peace and silence of the fall.  The eternal fall - always surrounded by the whoosh of air and brush of breeze.  Never stopping, never slowing.  Buffeted by wind, she traveled.  But no place was different from any other.  All were only perpetual falls.  She met another faller. They coexisted for a while.  After such solitary existence, neither knew how to communicate, or even that such a thing might exist.  But they were both happy to have met another of their kind.  Eventually, the winds, chaotic and ever-changing, separated them, and they went their separate ways.  She had no real concept of time, but as she fell, centuries passed.  She met one other faller, but only for a brief instant, as they collided in a gale-force wind storm. She felt different after that.  An unusual feeling in such a consistent and predictable life.  She didn't have a word for it, or any way to express her feelings, but humans would have called what she felt happiness.  Helpless to name the sensation, she went on. And on.  And on.  
Falling into the ever-lasting void. 

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