Saturday, December 11, 2010

A brief mention and summary

First off, I got an awesome suggestion from a friend which I need to write something on.  Not much, but something is better than nothing, right?
One morning, Jeff woke up in an alien environment.  Everything around him was black or gray, and seemed to be metallic or plastic - he couldn't tell specifically.  All around him were sparks, which seemed to travel along the metal, almost faster than his eye could follow.  He wandered around, noting strange patterns in the landscape.  It had such intriguingly random-seeming paths.  He tried to follow a vein of copper along a green ground, but found that the vein soon dove deep underground, where he was helpless to follow it.  From everywhere and nowhere, he heard and felt a great thumping, sometimes nearby, often distant.  Now that his eyes had adjusted, Jeff noticed that he seemed to be in a cave, entirely covered by the strange mix of metallic and almost plastic components.  Looking off into the distance, he saw a glint of light almost on the horizon (if there was one).  Without any better ideas for destinations in mind, he set off to find the source.   He journeyed for forty days and forty nights.  (No, actually, it took him what felt like a couple of hours to reach it. Still, close enough.)  
At long last, he reached the light source.  It seemed to lead up into open air.  By now thoroughly sick of this enormous cave, Jeff climbed slowly up the wall and pulled himself laboriously out into the open.  He stood up and looked around, taking a measure of his surroundings.  
The person typing, upon seeing a miniscule man emerge from the edge of the keyboard, screamed. 
Jeff never looked at a computer in quite the same way again. 

And now for a summary of the week:
This week was a tremendously enjoyable one for blogging.  I found that I had an absurd amount of fun writing about funny or intriguing phenomena.  However, I did notice I strayed from the path of 'absurd situations' and into the realm of general fantasy or speculative fiction.  Many of my short tales consisted of me taking a simple idea and expanding upon it.  It was very similar to my considerations on infinite elasticity or hardness (by the way, I recently read about the debate in Newton's time about how infinitely hard a-toms could possibly interact with each other.  Kind of fun to know I'm not the only one considering such concepts), but with a fictional bent.
I was also surprised how fixated I was on good endings.  I would spend 15-20 minutes writing a post, and wouldn't be able to stop, simply because the ending wasn't quite right.  Most of my endings were a not-so-subtle attempt at a comment on something I considered profound.  The story of the invisible Alex was one of my favorites.  I loved the idea, and for a long time, I thought I'd just have to have him end up insane.  What other possible endings could there be to such a situation?  But I wasn't satisfied with that.  So I threw some of my own opinions on observation and the beauty of the universe in, and ended up extremely happy with the tale.
Yes, I know there were some inconsistencies in nearly all of the posts I wrote this week.  I did very little in the way of proofreading, and generally liked the posts the way they were when I did.  Changing the result of such spontaneous expression on my part seemed like a minor crime.

As for this next week, the topic is going to be: (insert long pause as I consider possibilities) (now insert another one as I play piano to procrastinate) (one more, because three is almost invariably better than two) tools.  Any kind of tool - physical, mental, virtual, anything.

I may need some help on this one, guys.  Comments (constructive ones, at least) are always appreciated.

Thanks!  I'm grateful for Ultimate and fresh snow on warm nights.

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