Wednesday, December 1, 2010


How to write a good blog post:
  1. Come up with a topic
  2. Write something about it
  3. Read over what you wrote
  4. Rewrite it and make sure it's organized
  5. Return to step 3
 How to write one of my blog posts:
  1. Come up with a topic or steal one from somewhere else
  2. Write whatever comes to mind until you run out of time, get bored, or run out of ideas
  3. Post
Hmm...anyone else see a problem here?  I just don't feel like I have enough time to do any of the ideas I write on justice.  My organizational skills feel quite lacking, and I don't much like some of the posts I've churned out recently.  One of the problems with blogging is that I hold myself to much higher standards than when I'm only writing for myself.  When I'm writing in my journal, I have no qualms about illegibility, incomprehensibility, or brevity.  Here, though, I feel obliged to write a fairly substantial amount of organized, comprehensible text (no, it doesn't look like much to you writers out there, but it's a heck of a lot of writing for me) on an intriguing topic, keeping everything vague enough so as not to be identifiable.  Well, shoot.  If anyone knows of a way to add more hours to the day while still getting a decent amount of sleep, you should tell me how to do it, and then go get some sort of Nobel Prize for pure awesomeness and practicality.  Thanks in advance!

I'm grateful for the ability to write, and the clarity that I sometimes arrive at thanks to writing. 
(Yeah, I know, it's no longer November, and that 'I'm grateful' thing was supposed to end yesterday, but in my opinion, it never hurts to have something to be upbeat about, especially after such a down-hearted blog post as this one)

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