Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Yeah.  Computers are good tools.  As a programmer, I really like them.  They're incredibly powerful, and they are the most pedantic of beasts, taking everything literally as the programmer commands. 
Anyhow, I've decided this tools thing is not going to work out.  So I'm calling it quits on that one.  I'm thinking I might start to get slightly more serious about writing fiction, but if I do that, it won't really start until the beginning of next year, which gives me half a month to come up with some good ideas.  So that's the plan for now. 
And today, I'd like to give a few random ramblings about stories.  I always love a happy ending.  There's always this feeling of perfection at a good, happy conclusion.  It's really cool.  But at the same time, I always feel like those can be somewhat unrealistic.  When a main character finishes a fantastic quest and finds the love of his/her life, it's always very satisfying.  But I can't help wondering if it will last, if that friendship will fade away with the trials of time and stresses of the exciting lives main characters always seem to live. 
Authors always portray characters as living in a perfect world, which real people really don't have the luxury of doing.  Perfect people, perfect events, perfect relationships.  I suppose that's part of what stories are about.  Escaping into an unreal world different from or better than our own. 
I guess I just feel like they should also offer insight into our own world as well as taking us away to a different one.  And wouldn't the best way to do that be to replicate it in some respects? 
This is an issue I will have to resolve before I start writing anything longer than what I did last week.  My perfectionism is kicking in again. 

I'm grateful for spending time on things that will make others happy.  Their pleasure transfers almost directly into my own.  It's an enjoyable process on both ends, and one I spent the majority of the morning doing.

Have a nice day!

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