Monday, November 22, 2010

What a day

Today was a very strange day.  I slept in much later than I had intended, though I clearly needed the sleep.  The morning was beautiful: crisp, clear, damp from the night's rain.  What a glorious day it looked like it would be.  I had quite a bit of free time in the morning, and read some Harry Potter 7.  Very enjoyable.  Then, the work I had left over caught up with me. Everything piled on at once.  I was completely overwhelmed.  And somehow it kept accumulating over the course of the day.  I hardly had time to breathe. 
The funny thing is that under normal circumstances, I would have had a terrible day.  Far too busy for my liking ordinarily. But for whatever reason, I've been cheerful all day.  I'm certainly not complaining.  Just pondering a strange occurrence. 
Perhaps the weather had something to do with it. It was rather dreary and rainy all day, and sometimes, for whatever reason, rain cheers me up.  The pounding of rain on the roof of the building lifts my spirits.  At times, the roar of the rain exceeded the rumble of thunder.  At such times, all I wanted to do was to run to the nearest window and admire the splash and splatter of raindrops on the glass, passing the time in quiet admiration of the power of nature. 
All in all, a good day.  

For today, I'm grateful for those who will keep going no matter what may happen to them, right up to the very end.  Thank you.

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