Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rafiki Cheesecake?

My thoughts: 'Hey look, I have a blog!' (short pause) 'Shoot, just what am I supposed to do with it?'

Out of a lack of any other good ideas at the moment, and without going too in-depth, I'd like to give a brief overview of my blog's title.  It is, rather predictably, the name of a dessert.  In Tanzania.  Hey, ideas come from all sorts of places.  This is a rather atypical dessert, though.  Normal cheesecake, but with an interesting story behind it.  Once upon a time, on the way from the kitchen to the dining room carrying this cheesecake, a waiter was attacked by a (hungry) lion.  In a state of panic, he flung the cheesecake into the lion's face, giving himself enough time to escape.  Rafiki is Swahili for friend, so they renamed the dish as Rafiki Cheesecake.  An interesting story, and a delicious dessert.  And it's been on my mind recently because just this week, a friend of mine decided to learn Swahili. 
That's all there is to it. 

As for why I have a blog, that's because a few of my friends and my younger sister do.  During my youth (oh so long ago), I kept a journal and updated it daily.  But with age came other things to do in my spare time, and journaling fell to the wayside.  This is both an attempt to resume that long-lost habit and an effort to put into words some of my ideas and feelings about life, the universe, and everything.

Here goes nothing!
(and to the reader: whether I know you (hi!) or don't (hi! Why are you creeping on my blog?), thank you for joining me on my journey through life's curiosities and bearing with me as I struggle with the transition between ideas and words.)

Oh, and one more thing: smile.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Great idea. I'm sorry to be creeping onto your blog. Best of luck!!!
