Saturday, November 6, 2010


Choices.  Everyone has to make them.  And the process of making a certain choice I'd hoped wouldn't start for some months yet has abruptly snuck up on me.  Lying in wait all week, pouncing when I least expected it.  It's a decision which is made even more difficult by the economic advantages behind it.  Dang it, I'm already weighing my options...and I only have one so far!  I guess I just need to forget about it temporarily.  Figure out what I'm doing immediately and wait until the decision needs to be made.  And research ad nauseum on all of my possible options, options for options, if you will. 

Also, as a bit of a sidenote, sorry about the vagueness.  It's to keep my identity and those of my friends off the web. For the most part, I'm imitating a few friends' blogging styles (one in particular) until I have the time and energy to develop my own.  Alright, metablogging tangent done.  Back to actual stuff.
Nope, I lied.  One more thing about blogging itself: I will sound cheesy.  Sorry to those of you who aren't interested in the way I'm stating some of my more introspective ideas, but I've come to the conclusion that a lot of what people say is true (and always sounds cheesy initially) actually applies in real life.  So I'll try to keep cheesiness to a minimum, but can't guarantee anything specifically.  
And I'm done with blogging for the day.  Actual stuff will have to wait.

Oh, and I'm grateful to people who are always willing to talk about anything.
And those who selflessly serve groups of people which would not otherwise be served.

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