Thursday, November 25, 2010


I have many things to be thankful for.  Too often, I feel that I ignore these things and focus on the problems in my life.  Complaining has a way of uniting people for a common cause that mutual thanks so rarely does.  Someday (inspired by xkcd), I'd like to participate in or lead a contentedness rally.  I'd love to see people spending time thinking about their good fortune rather than mulling over and bemoaning their problems.
The funny thing is that the previous paragraph complained about complaining.  And now I'm complaining about complaining about complaining...
In any case, for today, I'd like to spend a bit of time considering the things in life that I am thankful for.
First off, my family.  They're an amazing group of people, intelligent, reasonable, and kind.  I like to spend time with them, playing games, discussing politics, or just sitting in the same room doing our separate things.  I'm incredibly grateful to have such an unbelievably awesome family.
My friends, too, are amazing.  I don't think I could ask for a more engaging, enthusiastic, and exciting group of peers.  I always love to spend time with them, and their insights into everything from science to religion are always intriguing.  Their friendship in what can often be a stressful world is like a beacon to me.  They give me the strength to go on living the way I do.
I am also grateful for some more mundane things, like the food I always have on my table.  I am glad to be well enough off to be able to eat good, nutritious food three times a day, when there are people around the globe who struggle just to get a bite to eat. 
I am also thankful for the physical ability to do as I wish with myself.  This freedom is refreshing and much appreciated. 
I'm glad, too, that I live in a nation of intellectual freedom, and have the freedom and the ability to express my views.  It's great that I can discuss controversial topics without fear for my own well-being, and I like to think that I am reasonable in using this freedom.
Lastly, I am grateful for my ability and the ability of those around me to see the best in things.  The world can be a frightening place at times, and it sometimes takes a new opinion to see the beauty around me.

So thank you.  To my friends, family, and acquaintances, thank you very much for allowing me to be a part of your life.  I hope that you've gotten as much out of our relationship as I have.  To complete strangers, thank you for taking the time to read the ramblings of one more person in a strange world.  I hope that you will take the time to thank someone in your life who has made a difference to you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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