Tuesday, November 16, 2010


That dream of so many of my companions, the golden ideal everyone strives for and no one ever seems to achieve.  My friends and I always say, "I need to be productive tonight/tomorrow/this week," but such noble aspirations seem to fall by the wayside with unbelievable consistency, at the slightest provocation.
And saying "you're so productive" can be both a complement and a criticism.  As a complement, its meaning is obvious.  If you are impressed by someone's productivity, it seems only natural to say it.  But I have certainly heard it used as a criticism as well, as a way of saying: "you're so productive you don't spend time having fun."  In my opinion, this is just jealousy.  I know the feeling.  I'm struggling to focus on writing something or finishing something important, and a friend has all the time in the world because he or she has finished all their other work already.  It's both infuriating and reassuring to see that it is possible to be truly productive.  It gives me something to work toward.
Anyhow, I bring this up because I was (at long last) very productive early this morning.  Which was thoroughly unexpected, since for the first time in a few weeks, I woke up tired.  And with a splitting headache to boot.  But I really was productive, finishing work I hadn't expected to complete for the next week at least.  It was quite nice.  And heading to breakfast after that, I was quite content with my morning.  Not happy, exactly, since I hadn't seen the sunrise or watched the clouds floating along in the serene sky, but content nonetheless.  I should really do that more often.
Problem is, now I'm tired again.  I suppose that was to be expected.  I didn't get nearly as much sleep as I probably should have, and haven't for at least a week.  At the moment, all I want to do is curl up under my blankets and sleep for a day or two, and wake back up refreshed and ready to face whatever life has in store for me.
Wow, that ended up being a thoroughly depressing post.  Hmm...I'll see if I can get a happier one tomorrow.
Oh, and I forgot to mention: I finally got Linux!  Now I just need internet... :-)

I am thankful for chilly mornings and warm food in my stomach.

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