Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Prolog is a really neat concept. The idea is that in a program, you give the computer facts and tell it how to recognize a solution, and then the computer finds all possible solutions. Great. I'm in the process of debugging a predicate (kind of like a function) right now, and I accidentally stumbled upon this:
Easter egg! It's like in Python: when you type 'import antigravity,' it opens up your default web browser to this page.
I love programmers' sense of humor.
Anyhow, back to debugging!

Edit: It seems that this is what happens whenever you ask the Prolog command line the value of a variable. Variables start off as unbound (nothing), so they had to come up with some kind of error message, and decided on a creative one.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

An adventure!

At Mudd, I live only a few miles from the base of the nearest mountain. It turns out that it's really a 2.8-mile straight shot down a single road - even I couldn't possibly get lost on the way. Anyway, last night, I decided that today would be the perfect day to go check it out. I packed myself a breakfast, set out gobs of layers against the (gasp) forty degree weather in the mornings, and got up early to head out. Even the threat of light drizzles throughout the morning wasn't enough to dissuade me. Unfortunately, I don't have the endurance (or the time) at the moment to run a solid six miles in a single go, but that just made it the perfect unicycle outing.
It was glorious. The rain (mostly) held off, with just a few light showers here and there along the way. It was an amazing feeling to watch the mountains, a constant backdrop around here, slowly getting closer over the course of a half-hour ride. The sidewalks were pretty awesome, too. It's like they were designed for fledgeling unicyclists to practice on!
I would totally post a picture of the curvy paths here, if I hadn't just somehow lost all the ones I took between the memory card from my camera and my pictures folder. I suppose I'll have to get a picture next time!
I reached the trailhead for a 5-mile loop, which looks like an awesome trip. It was pretty busy today, probably because it's a weekend, but I might be able to pay it a longer visit in relative isolation during the week (now that it's the second half-semester, I only have one class on both Tuesdays and Thursdays). I look forward to exploring it more!


Ah, I love Southern California. It's early November, and I can still viably wear shorts and a t-shirt outside, as long as I'm relatively active. Even so, the practically freezing fifty degrees this morning had me wearing a sweatshirt, jacket, and gloves. I shudder to think what I will be like when I go home.
Both the open and women's team here have started cranking up their practices. I now attend practice on six days of the week, plus a scrimmage on Saturdays, and sprint practice on Sundays. I love it, but I'm starting to question the viability of a solid 14 hours of Ultimate per week, plus around four hours of other relatively strenuous exercise (running/sprints) and probably 2-3 of moderate exercise (walking, unicycling, biking). Time is starting to become a major factor.
Ah, well. I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Enjoy the extra hour of sleep tonight!