Sunday, September 11, 2011

Exploring Nature

Yesterday was an awesome day. All told, I spent around 6 hours being somehow physically active - walking, playing Ultimate, doing self-defense drills, and learning some Kendo. Awesome.
I spent an hour and a bit walking around the botanic gardens before rain (and a grumbling stomach) sent me back to campus. It was overcast all morning, which made it possible for me to really explore the lower gardens without overheating in half a second. It's quite the area. Also thanks to the overcast, I had approximately zero sense of direction, so I was very grateful for the giant 'EXIT' arrows painted on the trail at every intersection. Without those, I'd probably still be wandering around there completely lost.
Here are a few pictures from my explorations of nature:
This was the overcast lifting - it was just barely
possible to see the mountains to the north.

I loved this single flower. Unfortunately,
it was pretty far off the path, so I couldn't
get any closer.

Cute berries! Probably poisonous, but still cute!

Okay, look closely in the middle there. See that gray
blob? That's a squirrel hanging head-down trying to get
something off a branch that couldn't support its weight.
So much nature!

I loved the look of this tree. I'm not sure if it's dying
or just waiting for the wet season before it comes back
to life.
Okay, just a couple more pictures before I go back to frantically debugging my CS homework...
On my way to the bookstore to buy some Scotch tape on Thursday, I spotted a beautiful yellow and black butterfly. It was hanging out near a layer of wet leaves from the previous night's rain. I'm guessing that it was drinking. The fun thing was that it was still there around 40 minutes later as I was coming back to campus. It was just begging to have pictures taken of it. Here are the best of them:

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