Sunday, January 22, 2012

Successful use of the Meta key

In case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm an emacs person. Well, I finally found how to use something other than the escape key as emacs' Meta key. The Meta key is another command key, like Command on the Mac keyboard or Control on Macs or PCs. On Windows machines, the Alt key is automatically used as the Meta key, but for some reason, the Alt/Option key on the Mac isn't set to Meta in emacs. It's bothered me for about as long as I've had my computer. However, today I finally figured out how to fix it! It has to do with not emacs but Terminal, the command-line interface in Mac OS-X.
In Terminal, go to Terminal > Preferences > Settings > Keyboard and check the 'Use Option as Meta key' checkbox.

Thanks to this website for describing the solution!

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